
05 Jan 2021

DexProtector 11.1

DexProtector 11.1 comes with annotation encryption, which makes apps even harder for hackers to successfully attack.

In the last few years, Kotlin has cemented its reputation as the go-to language for developing Android apps. It offers more functionality than Java, after all. But Kotlin is still based on Java. And that means the language comes with annotations for classes and methods that can act almost like instructions for any bad actor targeting them.

These annotations are incredibly common in third party libraries that developers use such as Retrofit, Butterknife, and Dagger.

That’s why it’s vital that these annotations are protected alongside classes and methods.

DexProtector now does just that. With annotation encryption to protect annotations, and resource encryption to protect metadata files, it now offers complete protection for Kotlin.

Annotation encryption can be achieved with a few simple lines in the DexProtector configuration file:

<annotationEncryption mode="all">
<resourceEncryption mode="all">
    <root mode="all">

Encryption for annotations is a security feature unique to DexProtector. But this extra layer of protection is one we’ve seen increasing numbers of requests for this past year. And we expect the demand for it to grow in the coming months and years.

If you have a valid license for DexProtector 8, 9, 10, or 11, and an active support subscription, you can receive this upgrade at no additional cost. If your support subscription has been inactive for a month or more, please purchase a new license. If you would like to upgrade from the Standard version to the Enterprise version, please request a quote. Finally, to renew your support subscription, please contact us.

To get the latest version, please request a link to the latest distribution package or send us an email.